Summary/Response #4

Hanna, Alex. “Actually, We Should Not All Use They/Them Pronouns.” Scientific American Blog Network, 3 May 2019,

  This article starts off referring to another article about the use of gender neutral pronouns such as “they/them” rather than using binary gendered pronouns such as “he/him/she/her” for a universal use and also because it is not relevant in social interaction. Still referring to the other article these gender neutral pronouns could reduce discrimination in social settings and settings such as job interviews. Knowing the gender of someone before they come in for an interview can put them at a disadvantage before they even get interviewed. Alex, the author, disagrees, using gender neutral pronouns universally disregards the importance of binary gendered pronouns. Binary gendered pronouns hold great importance for GNC (gender non conforming) and trans people. “The  act of misgendering denies the gendered and human legitimacy of trans people, and causes significant negative psychological effects, including reduced sense of self-worth, anxiety, depression and a feeling of hypervigilance and surveillance.” Alex believes using gender neutral pronouns universally will have an impact on trans and GNC people because they find comfort and relief in their pronouns.

   An aspect I enjoyed about this article is that Alex referred to an article in the beginning of her article that had a relating topic. It built her thesis and point. Another aspect I liked about this article is that topic in general, it’s a big issue in modern society that nobody is really shedding light onto because many people are ignorant in the gender/sex topic. No one really cares, many people disregard people’s preferred gender. Her thesis really strong and uses lots of evidence to support her thesis.

  This article speaks on modern day society issues that people disregard because they believe it to not be important or relevant. It present information on why the suggestion of a gender neutral pronouns universally is an inconsiderate approach to misgendering people.